Expired Coupons

If you’re like me, you are throwing out a lot of coupons now. June is over, and many manufacturers coupons expire June 30, or in the days before. Of course, you don’t have to throw them out. You can send them to an overseas commissary, where they can be used up to six months beyond expiration. Military families overseas can use expired coupons, and often benefit from donations. They spend the coupons at the local commissary or PX. This can lead to some fabulous savings for them. Don’t just go willy nilly donating your precious used coupons. (OK, dumping them) … Continue reading

Using Expired Coupons is Legal at U.S. Military Commissaries

Let me make something absolutely clear. Stateside (within the continental United States) commissaries do not allow the use of expired coupons. Only overseas U.S. military commissaries can legally allow the use of expired coupons. Of course there is a limit. After a coupon has been expired for six months or more, it is useless even at an overseas military commissary. At that point you’ll need to dispose of the worthless coupons. Beware Scam Artists If you want to send expired coupons to an overseas military family, you should be sure that you are sending them to an actual overseas family. … Continue reading