Tip: Buy produce in bulk

In my ongoing quest to find the cheapest sources of organic produce, I made a few discoveries in the past month. I think we all know that buying in bulk can often be a great way to save some bucks. But we don’t typically think of that principle working for produce, do we? Think again! I recently started going to The City Market in Kansas City. Read more about that in my recent blog post: Produce Brokers. This is the type of place where you can do a little bit of negotiating. So here’s where the bulk buying came into … Continue reading

Produce Brokers

I recently started going to The City Market in Kansas City. Once or twice a week, they do have a farmer’s market there, but every single day of every single week (year-round!), they have the “city market.” Now, I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but as I understand it, the vendors are produce brokers, meaning they buy wholesale and supply the grocery stores. I don’t know much about it; all I know is that the produce is DIRT CHEAP! Of course, when I first went, I had to keep reminding myself that most of the produce is conventional, … Continue reading

Cash-Strapped Parents Look to Hit Jackpot on TV Game Shows

I guess it beats scrounging around for loose change to buy lottery tickets. According to a new USA Today report, a record amount of laid off parents are looking to make ends meet by appearing on television game shows. Producers from popular game shows, such “Wheel of Fortune” and “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” say the recession has forced many moms and dads to look for creative ways to feed their children. Parents, who would have never dreamed of applying for a spot on a game show, are now standing in long lines to secure a spot on … Continue reading