Wal-Mart Grocery Deals

With the cost of groceries continuing to rise, it left me with a question, is there any good coupon deals left at Super Wal-Mart? I conducted an experiment to see how many coupons I could use to find the best deals. I used 26 coupons and spent $22.13 on $70.19 worth of groceries. Check out what I found: 2 Honey Bunches of Oats Chocolate Clusters for $1.98 each with a $2 coupon = Free You can print more coupons here and here. 2 Kashi cereals for $3.12 each with a $2 off coupon = Cost $1.12 ea 1 Live Active … Continue reading

Freebies at Target

Recently, a blog, written by Mary Ann Romans, “New Grocery Shopping Techniques 2” got me thinking about using coupons and if they are really worth the effort. The blog claims coupons are not worth using anymore. I currently belong to several coupon trains and cut up several newspapers inserts each week. I spend 2-3 hours a week staying organized. So I started wondering if maybe she was right so I tried a little experiment. How much can I save using as many coupons as possible? Can I still get freebies or items we use under $1? I decided to try … Continue reading

Target: A Surprising Place to Find Great Cat Toys

I was doing a little shopping in Target the other day for our everyday household items, including pet supplies. One of the things I desperately needed to pick up was either a replacement or a refill for Tabby’s cardboard Cat SuperScratcher+. Instead, I ended up marveling at the array of interactive cat toys they had. I always think Petsmart has a great selection of in-store pet toys (for both cats and dogs), but I went in there after Target and didn’t find half the neat toys Target had. (For cats at least. They still have a better selection of dog … Continue reading

Grocery Clearance Deals at Target

Do you know about the grocery clearance deals at Target? If you do, you can save a lot of cash! I love shopping the grocery clearance section at Target, partly because of the great deals, and partly because no one else seems to know about this little secret of the store. I can always find great deals and stock up for my family. My local Target store is divided into two levels. The upper level has merchandise such as toys, kids clothes, electronics, seasonal stuff, etc. The lower floor has items such as lingerie, housewares and bedding. It also has … Continue reading

Large Family Savings

A friend of mine is expecting her fifth child. I am so happy for her. She is a great mom, her husband is a great dad, and their children are all smart, talented and kind. They are also expensive, and with a fifth child on the way, the parents are wondering if they need to take extra work in order to make ends meet. Maybe and maybe not. There are ways to save money when you have a large family. Large families don’t have to consist of two parents and a bunch of kids. These days, it could also include … Continue reading

After Christmas Bargain Buys

Take advantage of after Christmas bargains to stock up on all of the things you need to run your household. Hint: it isn’t all about wrapping paper and Christmas cards. Electronics Chances are pretty good that retailers did not sell all of those high-end electronics that they stocked for Christmas. Meanwhile, the new models will be coming out soon, and the stores have to prepare shelf space for new items This means that you can get some rock bottom prices on electronics, especially on floor models. So if you were wanting that extra large screen television and missed out on … Continue reading

New Places to Buy in Bulk

When you think about buying in bulk, don’t just think of the warehouse shopping stores. The truth is that you can buy in bulk in many other places, still getting great deals, but avoiding the annual warehouse fee. Here are some of my favorite places to buy in bulk. Target Our local Target store is trying out the whole bulk buying trend. They have devoted an entire section in the back to bulk buys. Not only are the prices pretty good, but because they are trying things out and have limited shelf space, they often clearance some of the merchandise … Continue reading

School Supplies for a Penny

Back to School shopping has officially started. All types of stores will be clamoring for your back to school dollars. Grocery stores and drug stores are getting their extra shipments of pencils, crayons, and paper. Most Wal-Marts have set up their extra aisles of back to school must haves. We, as parents, get all the fun of deciding who has the best deals. If you haven’t received your school supply list yet, don’t worry. This first sale has items that are sure to be on everyone’s list and it’s a great way to get started. Staples is starting its annual … Continue reading

Wal-Mart Freebies

In my previous blog, Freebies at Target, I stated that I am trying to decide whether or not it’s worth it to spend 2-3 hours a week organizing my coupons. Can I really cut down our grocery bill by using coupons? In my Target experiment, I saved $22.95 when I bought cat food and toiletries with my coupons. Next, I went to Wal-Mart. I divided my groceries into two categories – food and household items. I bought $42.05 in household items for $4.20. I used 32 coupons. Here’s what I found: 10 cans of Meow Mix Cat Food for .46 … Continue reading

My Frugal Weekend Report: September 22-23, 2007

I like having frugal weekends, days when we either don’t spend money or find ways to be frugal. Of course, the weekends can be tough. We tend to spend more not less on these days. Running more errands, we are out and about, and we have more opportunities to spend money on those not so necessary items. So, I thought I might start a weekend report as motivation to spend less. Will you follow along and keep me in check? Here is how my household did this past weekend. It lists the good, the bad and the ugly. We had … Continue reading