Three Reasons Why Low Interest Credit Card Transfers May Put You in Debt

Many of us seek to take advantage of those low interest credit card transfer offers. With a low interest credit card transfer offer, you can take the debt you have on one credit card and move it over to a new card that gives you a lower rate of interest. With lower interest, you will save more money, right? If your credit score is still decent, you will find yourself getting a lot of these offers in the mail. Switching from a 12 percent card to a five percent card seems like a great way to speed up your recovery … Continue reading

Hurricane Sandy Relief Continues to Pour In

Hurricane Sandy happened almost a month ago, but the devastation it left in its path will take a long time to clean up. There are still about 120,000 people without power in New York and New Jersey, but that also includes homes there were too damaged to have power anyhow. If anything good came from this, it is the generosity of Americans. Some physically went to damaged areas while others gave what they could to help the victims. I already wrote about celebrities that gave to Hurricane Sandy relief, but it is worthy to note that Lady Gaga donated $1 … Continue reading

Protecting Your Money

Yesterday I revealed my status as an identity theft survivor. My identity was ripped off nearly a decade ago, yet the sting is ever-present. A former colleague of mine was the perpetrator. Looking back, it was probably very easy for him to obtain access to my computer since we worked just a few cubicles down from each other. Hacking is just one of the ways thieves can gain access to your personal information and ultimately steal money from you. However, according to new reports, very few people realize that cybercrime is taking place, even after their sensitive information has been … Continue reading

Radical Money Idea: Spend Less Than You Earn

Imagine that it is a long, long time ago. Let’s roll the clock back to the early part of the last century. At that time, material wealth wasn’t nearly as great as it is today. There simply was not as much stuff available as there is now. Yet people did well. In fact, they saved a large portion of their income for a rainy day, anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of that income. They knew that they had to make it on their own, with perhaps a little bit of help from the community. That made this rainy day … Continue reading

How to Decrease Your Debt

If you find yourself drowning in expenses and don’t know how to get out of it, you aren’t alone. The average household owes $18,000 or more in credit card and other debt. If you have completed a budget and know that you are spending more than you are making, then you absolutely have to decrease your debt, no matter what. Here are some steps to take. First, stop using your credit cards. Cut them up, lock them away, give them to a trusted relative to hold, whatever it is that you need to do, but just stop. What if there … Continue reading

Your Thrift Store Purchases Can Affect Your Credit Cards

I read a very interesting article on this morning. In it, the author explains that making credit card purchases at certain stores, including thrift stores can negatively affect your ability to get credit as well as how much credit you will get and even interest rates. Basically, although the credit card companies can’t see exactly what you are purchasing, they may consider it risky behavior if you spend money at casinos, fast food restaurants and thrift stores. Okay, let’s put aside for the moment all of that data mining and how scary it is that there is all sorts … Continue reading

Are Your Frugal Efforts Going Down the Drain?

If you have been practicing frugal living but you still haven’t seen a difference in your savings or aren’t getting ahead, it could be that some of these efforts are being offset by other expenses that are either a direct or indirect result of your frugal living efforts. Have you ever heard the expression, “Robbing Peter to pay Paul?” This is an expression I have heard many times growing up. Basically it means that you are taking money (or efforts) from one place and applying them to another, without ever really getting on top of things. The expression can apply … Continue reading

American Express Spring Fling

American Express is conducting a Spring Fling promotion. When you buy two American Express gift cards, they will send you a $25 Spring Fling gift card in the mail. When I first heard of this promotion, I wasn’t very impressed. It’s a great promotion, but I don’t need any gift cards right now. Then I started thinking about it. These Amex gift cards work anywhere an American Express credit card is accepted. I pay for gas and groceries with my debit card. Why couldn’t I use the gift cards instead? I would get use out of the Amex cards and … Continue reading

Fighting Credit Interest Rate Increases

With the struggles in the banking industry, many financial institutions are looking to their credit card branches to help them recoup losses. Traditionally, credit cards are the most profitable venture a bank or lending institution offers. With the high rates they charge both consumers in interest and the merchants in fees, this is usually a win-win for the company. Unfortunately, consumers are being hurt by this crunch. Many credit card companies are now increasing interest rates to help drive up the profits. Even good customers, with strong credit scores and payment history, are receiving letters notifying them their interest rates … Continue reading

How to Cancel a Credit Card

If you read my blog entry yesterday, you may be deciding which credit cards you would like to cancel. I thought it might help to offer up a few tips on how to cancel a credit card. First, there is no wrong way to cancel a credit card account. Still, there are some important steps to follow in the process. 1. Make sure you have paid off every cent on your account before you attempt to cancel. Even if you have a small balance, if you try to cancel the card it can wreck havoc with the credit card company. … Continue reading